The 31st Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) – ‘Architect 2013’ – was officially opened in a ceremony of grandeur.
The grand opening of the five day session that sees multifaceted events was graced by several eminent Ministers and Government officials. The guests from overseas included Archt Kevin Owens, Prof Jo Noero, Archt Dr Rory Hyde, Dr Bimal Patel and Archt Mark Baughman, Dr Darin Gunasekera and Dr Ranjith Dayaratne who have travelled to Sri Lanka specifically to address the National Conference of Architect 2013.
The official theme for Architect 2013 ‘Think Smart Innovative Enterprise Architecture’ was unveiled after the ceremonial commencement of the Inauguration Ceremony.
In his speech, Archt Ranjan Nadesapillai, President of SLIA said, “the celebration of our annual session is traditionally the culminating ceremonial function of the year where laudable achievements by the Institute and the membership throughout the year are brought in to focus”. He also mentioned that the Member’s Work and Trade Exhibition, National Conference on Architecture, Annual General Meeting and the Fellowship Nite which are the main components of the annual sessions plays a significant role for Architectural professionals and the construction industry in Sri Lanka.
Archt Nadesapillai also mentioned that the vision for the SLIA is to create the environment for its members to be the forerunners and stakeholders in the present Government’s drive towards making Sri Lanka the Wonder of Asia in accordance with the vision of His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Newly enrolled members of SLIA were presented with scrolls to epitomise their association with the Institute. The Inauguration also saw awards of excellence in the field of architecture being presented to members of SLIA. These awards recognised exceptional design abilities, use of colour and honoured outstanding design in various categories of construction. This year an Award of Merit has been introduced to recognise outstanding contribution to architectual publications in the last ten years. In addition, product awards were presented to the best locally manufactured products.
Prof Chithra Weddikkara, Senior Vice President of SLIA made the vote of thanks as they moved on to ceremonially open the Members’ Work and Trade Exhibition.
Apart from the inauguration ceremony the annual sessions of 2013 included the Members’ Trade and Work Exhibition, the National Conference, the Annual General Meeting and the Fellowship Nite for a festive closing.