Business Today

August 1996

New General Manager at KLM

A reception was held at the Hotel Galadari recently to introduce Peter Davidse, the new General Manager of KLM Royal...

Combating Stress

Combating Stress

by Malkanthi Leitan Stress affects all of us and if allowed to go unchecked can result in life-threatening ness and...

Funny means more Money

by Sam Swaminathan Sam Swaminathan is a Soft skills Management expert, trainer, speaker, and consultant.He reguarly writes management articles to...

Stock Market Review

Saliya N Wijesekera is the Head of Research at CDIC Sassoon Cumberbatch Stockbrokers (Pvt) Ltd by Saliya N Wijesekara The...

Quo Vadis, Sri Lankan Tourism?

by Tharuka Dissanaike The Sri Lankan tourist industry is certainly undergoing a difficult period. Tourist arrivals to the country have...

Overview of Tax System

Taxation Sri Lankan businesses, except enterprises that qualify for BOI incentives under Section 17 of the BOI Act and special...