Cinnamon Legends and D Triangle celebrated another successful year despite immense challenges and held their ‘Export Night 2020’ to appreciate...
Continuing to help individuals and businesses earn greater returns on their foreign currency savings, Sampath Bank is offering an additional...
Bernard Goonetilleke, Chairman (Former Ambassador, Chairman, Pathfinder Foundation); Mohamed V Muhsin, Managing Director and CEO (Strategic Management Consultant, Corporate Director...
Wyeth Nutrition range of products will be marketed in Sri Lanka through George Steuart Health. Wyeth Nutrition, a global leader...
DFCC Bank was coveted ‘Best Post-COVID Innovation award at the Sri Lanka Association for Software Services Companies (SLASSCOM) RPA Awards...
Sampath Bank extended the debt moratorium to COVID-19 affected businesses as well as for individuals for the second time from...
Sampath Bank carried out several sustainability initiatives throughout 2020 aimed at community development, environmental protection and helping individuals and small...
DFCC Bank has continued to reaffirm it’s promise as the ‘Bank for Everyone’, through its ‘DFCC Vayapara Athwela’ Online Entrepreneurial...
DFCC Bank was assigned an issuer rating of ‘ AA - with Stable outlook’ by ICRA Lanka. ICRA Lanka is...
Seylan Bank announced that Seylan Tikiri has rewarded all ten students from around the island who sat for the grade...
Seylan Bank has partnered with Asiri Hospitals to offer a multitude of value-added benefits and services for all Seylan Harasara...
Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) Group took prompt measures to expand connectivity solutions to rural areas by providing voice as well...
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the automotive industry hard, causing supply chain disruptions, factory closures, and huge sales and revenue drops....
As part of Boston Dynamics’ Early Adopter Program, Foster + Partners has been exploring the use of Spot®, the agile...
OTRS Group is the manufacturer and the world’s largest provider of the service management suite OTRS. It offers flexible solutions...
Work out any time, anywhere, with the first fitness experience built around Apple Watch. Apple Fitness+, the first fitness experience...
Otara Gunewardene is a trailblazer having created the brand Odel and transforming the entire retail landscape in Sri Lanka. Embark...
Gamini Abeywickrama, Chairman, Basilur Tea Export always looks at every situation positively. Challenges, he says is a learning experience, which...
Prominent corporate lawyer, Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths, Attorney at Law Nithi Murugesu is well-respected in the legal community...