December 1997


Dialog GSM wish to carry out the following correction with regard to the article 'Prioritizing Customer Service- an interview...

Economy On Wheels

Asiff Hussein takes a look at current ideas and trends in transport infrastructure development EVER SINCE THE DAWN OF...

Top end Watches

Classic Timepieces Rolex, Patek Philippe, Cartier, Piaget. The names are as familiar to Asian consumers these days as Japan's...

The Euro

Priyantha Gamege Europe unites under a single currency WHILST THE WORLD AWAITS ON TIP-TOE FOR the dawn of the...

Budget Feedback

Farah Mihilar THE PEOPLES ALLIANCE GOVERNMENT'S FOURTH budget was passed in Parliament on the 19th of November. After two...

Market Modes

Sarath Rajapakse Market Blues Financial market turbulence triggered off by the floating and the subsequent collapse of the Thai...

Three Years In Power

President Chandrika Kumaratunga talks about the social, economic and political aspects of the country Lucien Rajakarunanayake BT: Thank you...