Business Today

June 1997

Paradise Lost?

Paradise Lost?

Amantha Perera 'Tourism, tourism, tourism,' used to be the ng mantra. of late, the tourism arrival figures have gone down,...

Colombo Rider

Colombo Rider

Colombo Rider, the newest locally assembled bus was launched to the market recently. The local partners for this multinational project...

Work Hard Play Hard

Work Hard Play Hard

Planning Your Retirement We live longer, we enjoy better health and the dynamism of our economies allows us to retire...

India Licensed to Kill?

U.L. Pai The proposed Broadcast Bill in India, said to have been approved by the cabinet, is awaiting the fuller...

Leader, all the way

Leader, all the way

Dilki Wijesuriya Since their launch in December 1996, Suntel has been steadily progressing towards their goal of being present throughout...

Debt Management

Are changes in the law on debt recovery needed and if sowhat should the changes be? Dinesh Weerakkody analysesthe issue...

Irvin Weerackody

Irvin Weerackody

Unlike most advertising agency heads who tend to maintain flamboyant high profiles, Irvin Weerackody, chairman of Phoenix Advertising is the...

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