
Market Modes

Sarath Rajapakse Market Blues Financial market turbulence triggered off by the floating and the subsequent collapse of the...

Three Years In Power

President Chandrika Kumaratunga talks about the social, economic and political aspects of the country Lucien Rajakarunanayake BT: Thank...

Bluest of Blues

'Business Today' in its October issue, named 10 companies who excelled in their performance during the period 1995/96....

Asian Coins and Banknotes

If recent auctions in Singapore and Hong Kong are any guide, Asian collectors are growing increasingly enthusiastic about...

“Roaming’ War

“Roaming’ War

With global communication being the order of the day, many an argument has been put forward by Sri...

Netphone – The marriage between the telephone and the Computer

Managers,Beware of the IAD!

A Wizard 'Star Trek, X-Files, Doctor Who, Sex, Chat, Football, The Simpsons, Film Reviews, News…. Anything! As long...


by Special Correspondent As we stand on the threshold of the 21st century, humankind has a brief moment...

Pinholing Management

Books on management written by successful managers tend to be very expensive because managers think that their experiences...

The Clash of the Titans

Ian Hardy Sri Lanka's ongoing corporate war, perhaps the most controversial and acrimonious todate pitting two of the...

Business As Usual

After stuffing your face this holiday season, you might be ruefully looking at yourself in the mirror, and...

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