Metropolitan Office expanded into providing technology infra- structure products and services supporting education, public administration, aviation and transport amongst other sectors. The Metropolitan smart boards set up in classrooms and Metropolitan transforms class rooms with high tech education labs make a significant impact in getting children integrated into the learning process with better interaction between the teacher and the student, using advanced simulation, touch, animation and Wi-Fi technology. Traditional learning has now been converted with class rooms becoming smart rooms where students and teachers can share concepts digitally, record and import, even print instead of writing down notes, using advanced technology offered by Metropolitan and Newline, the world’s largest smart board manufacturer.
The smart board technology from Newline together with the classroom management and collaboration software and visualizer provided by Metropolitan is available within the island and offers advanced features. The boards come with inbuilt 4K Ultra HD screens with recording and importing options. Inbuilt Wi-Fi printing allows direct smart board to connect to the printer allowing immediate copies of any screen or chart from the presentation.
It has a user friendly tool bar, which helps navigation and managing information and screens as simple as a smart phone.
“Smart boards are the future of teaching and learning. We have already installed smart classroom products in labs and classrooms in leading schools in Sri Lanka and are involved in many ongoing smart classroom projects islandwide” said Wajira De Silva, Manager, Digital Classroom Solutions, Metropolitan.