Recently, I took a job in the field of public relations. It's a discipline new to Sri Lanka but hey,...
Tyron Devotta NDB Shares Sale-Opposition Reaction The selling of NDB shares to foreign buyers came under criticism from the UNP....
Ruvini Jayasinghe Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation's (NTT) entry to Sri Lanka's telecommunications industry with US$225 million, is the single...
Vijitha Yapa With the rocking of a number of Asian currencies in the last weeks and the leaps made in...
A Wizard A month ago a client of mine asked me something. He manufactures a product which is in competition...
Dilki Wijesuriya Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation (NTT) of Japan acquired 35% of Sri Lanka Telecom in the recent divestiture...
This latest printer surpasses the versatility of its predecessor, the HP Deskjet 690c. The new HP Deskjet 670C will produce...
This first environmentally-acceptable lubricant can be used on vehicles and machinery. It is introduced by ECOGEN (UK), a company producing...
Regional jitters hit market Regional stock market woes and retail profit taking resulted in the ASI closing August down 6%...
DR JB Kelegama There seems to be a tendency in Sri Lanka to exaggerate the importance of SAPTA and its...
Terrified by the chaos on the roads? Driven mad by roadhogs and Sunday drivers? Try these… Richard Simon Horn-operated brake...
The VOLVO Group esteemed as one of the most reputed Swedish automobile manufacturers in the world has introduced two models...
Chanuka Wattegama I remember reading a Russian short story called 'A childbirth at Sakhalin island' a few years ago. I...
This is a retrofit unit to be inserted in an automobile ignition system, ensuring longer life of the ignition system....
The world is changing fast and it is expected to change at a faster rate. The survival of businesses will...
The stage is all set for the commencement of international futures trading in pepper. The International Pepper Exchange, first of...
Arthur Hadley Uncle Arthur's invaluable tips on how to get back to the grind. It's hard for me to believe...
Tritel Services (Pvt.) Ltd., a subsidiary of Sri Inderahjy Holdings Malaysia, will introduce a new payphone system in October. The...
In a significant decision, the Indian Telecom Commission has decided to open up the Internet to private service providers. This...
Sustained Productivity and Quality Improvements Falk O Petersdorf and Joachim Leckscheidt Sri Lanka - German Private Sector Program The expression...
Whaling sirens, doctors and nurses rushing to and fro, ringing telephones…. a general state of emergency is part and parcel...
Colby Demac established a new cooperation partner, Allied Trading & Engineering (Pvt) Limited, in Sri Lanka for the distribution of...
Dilki Wijesuriya Hotelier, Gamini Fernando, divisional director - Hilton International - for Sri Lanka, Maldives & Myanmar & general manager...
Waldock Mckenzie was ranked Sri Lanka's top investment bank by Asiamoney, in its inaugural 'Investment bank of the Year' awards....
'CDC has a very clear mandate the creation of long term self sustainable businesses in the world's less developed countries....
Ajai V Singh True, isn't it? Look around and you will realize that brands play such an important part in...
'To have an internally equitable pay policy, appropriately positioned against external market norms,' is what planning a compensation package is...
Dilki Wijesuriya Mobitel, the second cellular operator to venture into the Sri Lankan market has certainly not been second in...
Muhamed Muneer C P Sales and Advertising share a love-hate relationship. Muneer unravels the mystery behind this strange relationship. They...
The Government's divestiture of 16.5 million shares of NDB has resulted in further broadbasing the ownership of the National Development...