Business Today

January 2006

Celebrating Christmas

Wibo Wilmink and Sam path Siriwardana - the General Managers of the Hilton Colombo and the Galadari Hotel, respectively- hosted...

LOLC Turns 25

Lanka Orix Leasing Com­pany (LOLC) celebrated its 25th year of operation in 2005. Rohini Nanayakkara, the Chairperson, Ishara Nanayakkara, the...

The Casons Story

Having been in business for 14 years, Casons Rent-A-Car has now expanded to become a large operator in the automobile...

Balancing the Sides

Balancing the Sides

By Harin Fernando Shiron Gooneratne, is the Director/Principal Consultant of Synergy Financial Consulting (SFC). He is a Chartered Accountant by...

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