One of Australia’s well known architects, Dr Rory Hyde was a speaker at the National Conference of Architect 2013, centered on the theme ‘Think Smart – Innovative Enterprise Architecture’, and organised by the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects. “We’ve got some terrific people who’ve made their way here and the theme of Architect 2013 is a very interesting one,” said Dr Hyde. “We’ve seen the presentation by Archt Kevin Owens on the London Olympics which is one of the most important projects in the past decade,” he added. He further expressed his wish to work in architectural projects in Sri Lanka and said, “I’ll have to come and spend more time here in the future.”
Archt Dr Rory Hyde is a practicing architect and director of Rory Hyde Projects. He graduated from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia with a Bachelors in Architecture in 2005 and went on to complete a PhD at the same university on emerging models of practice enabled by new technologies. Moving to Amsterdam, Holland in 2009 he was involved in research and worked with magazines and some offices in the city which led to the authoring of the book “Future Practice: Conversations from the Edge of Architecture”. Through interviews with 17 different people, the book explores other dimensions of how architects could approach architecture. Some of the aspects touched by the book include the role of education, policies and activism while considering the future direction of the profession.
Dr Hyde is also currently working in the editorial team of Volume Magazine and is an International Correspondent for Triple R FM. He has been involved in international projects based in Holland and has lent his expertise to designing a 200m tower in Seoul, South Korea.
Dr Hyde derived his inspiration for following a career in architecture from his childhood travels. As his father owned a travel company, he was able to visit many places and experience different cultures. This has also exposed him to the diverse approaches taken by various countries to accomplish certain projects, which has influenced the way he approaches architecture.