Unilever Ceylon, one of the leading manufacturers of detergents, foods and personal care products conducted a week long “Safety Week” which involved the entire Unilever’s staff.

The highlights of the week were a lecture on “Electricity and Safety” by Mr J M Victoria, retired Specialist Factory Inspecting Engineer, a lecture on “The Factories Ordinance and You” by Mr VM Karunaratne, retired Deputy Commissioner of Labour, and a lecture on “Safety of the Food you buy” by Mr E G Somapala, Senior Assistant Government Analyst.
An exhibition was also held throughout the safety week. The entire proceedings culminated in a Safety and Environment Awards Ceremony, at which the Chief guest was Mr Martin Ostergaard, Acting Representative, International Labour Organisation.
At the function, “Safety and Environmental” Awards were presented which were won by the “Engineering Services Department” and the “Edible Packing Department”, respectively. A “Spot the Hazard” Competition and at “Ladies” Competition sponsored by CTC Eagle Co. Ltd. were also held.