The Sterling After Care Centre, according to Renuka Wijesiriwardane, General Manager, is consistently moving forward guided by the concept ‘Sterling Warranty’, which he believes slowly but surely continues to promote change in the way people care for their vehicles.
Words Sonali Kadurugamuwa
Since its inception in 2007 the Sterling After Care Centre has been driven by a passion to create awareness regarding the importance of consideration when consumers assess to buy a car. Wijesiriwardane says that used, accident free vehicles are imported from Japan, through car dealers under the Sterling Warranty, which is a mutual guarantee shared with Japan. The Sterling After Care Centre promises a 100 percent assurance to customers here in Sri Lanka that this Warranty offers much more than just a good after care service. It provides customers an easy, hassle free guarantee that their vehicles are in the safest of hands.
Although the Sterling After Care Centre is not in the business of imports, the recognition the company has received in being service providers in vehicle after care where their expertise in servicing, body shop and mechanical repair, and 24 hour roadside assistance, is immense. Wijesiriwardane explains that this is not only due to the excellence in service provided by the Centre, but rather in line with the overlaying concept of the Sterling Warranty, which consistently sustains the promise that the customer is protected under a certificate of reliability with services that can be accessed from anywhere on the Island, at anytime. With this certificate vehicles are guaranteed after sales servicing for up to 100,000 kilometres or a two year after sales service plus other bonus options.
In Sri Lanka, The Idea Of Owning A Hybrid Vehicle Is Still In Progress As Wijesiriwardane Suggests, Could Be Due To The Belief That There May Be A Lack Of Appropriate And Sufficient Technological Know-How To Care For Hybrid Vehicles And Also The Actual Scarcity Of Car Care Service Centers That Do So.
The Sterling Warranty also stands to emphasise the value of consumers switching to environmentally friendly solutions when purchasing vehicles. Hybrids can save tremendously on overall fuel consumption especially in a country where fuel prices are skyrocketing and oil reserves are running drastically low, around the world. They run on rechargeable battery power as well as gasoline. Therefore, maintaining a pollution free environment as well as a true and long-term saving on fuel can only be anticipated in future of hybrid technology. “Also,” Wijesiriwardane stresses, “the Sterling After Care Centre will look after your vehicle using the latest in hybrid technology, while covering your hybrid’s battery for three years, maintained under the Warranty.”
In Sri Lanka, the idea of owning a hybrid vehicle is still in progress as Wijesiriwardane suggests, could be due to the belief that there may be a lack of appropriate and sufficient technological know-how to care for hybrid vehicles and also the actual scarcity of car care service centres that do so. The Sterling After Care Centre sets its standards, amongst other skills, in employing qualified and even training workers in servicing vehicles in their respective categories.
Hybrid vehicles are a relatively new category of automobiles that have recently been introduced to Sri Lankan roads. Although they’ve been gaining reasonable popularity, their after sales care may be disputed. Under the Sterling Warranty concept the Centre specialises in after care services for hybrid vehicles so customers do not have to look elsewhere for value-added yet dependable services. Furthermore, the company urges consumers to consider the option of switching to hybrid vehicles and advocates to saving the environment from harmful emissions and other pollutants. Wijesiriwardane commends the dedication of the Centre in being a strong supporter for this cause, while giving the customers the opportunity to be Sterling patrons in choosing the hybrids as a future investment, as car care services won’t have to be an issue, “at least not anymore.”
Coupled with state-of-the-art equipment and technological expertise the Centre services are allocated on an appointment basis for absolute customer convenience to guarantee a complete and steadfast service as customer satisfaction is its number one priority.
As vehicles are being serviced the Sterling After Care Centre is outfitted to accommodate customers and their families within its premises. With its large aerated environment outdoors, rest areas or lobbies within the Centre is a preferred for family while waiting. It is an atmosphere purposely created to always keep customers confident that “we truly care about them and their vehicles,” deems Wijesiriwardane.
The Sterling After Care Centre hopes to expand to other parts of the country in the near future while expecting to obtain its ISO certification within the year.
Looking forward to adding new aspects of value-added services to the Sterling Warranty, the company is open to advising customers on any concerns they may have when purchasing a vehicle. However, most of all the Centre, alongside the Sterling Warranty, is unswerving of the choices that customers should opt for with what best fits in fostering the environment and drive with confidence towards a better tomorrow.