Dillie Enterprises – the ‘sewing thread’ people, will soon be marketing a new product, the ‘Dillie Armstrong Bag Closer.’
“This is a heavy duty (A 2000) portable machine meant for closing bags and used by rice millers and those in the packing industry, which we have assembled locally with components imported from Japan”, said the Dillie Enterprises Managing Director, Dilip Morais. According to him, this bag-stitching machine which those in the packing industry rely on, is being imported at a cost of Rs 50,000 and it was this high cost factor that prompted him to try his hand at assembling such a machine locally.
When I realised this machine was being imported from Japan at such an exorbitant price and since there was nothing here that could do the job as effectively as this machine, I conceived the idea of importing the parts from Japan, assembling the machine here and selling it at half that price, said Morais.
Morais says he toyed with this idea for five years and during those years he met several engineers, discussed the possibilities of a locally-assembled product and finally got down to it when he met an Indian engineer.
“I had the body of this machine cast in India with the components which I imported from Japan”, he said.
Meeting the correct person and having the body of the machine cast took three years, says Morais.
He said he sold ten machines to certain rice millers and others dealing with fertilisers, tea, spices and other condiments and he was now awaiting a feedback on the machines’ performance before putting it out for sale.
I wanted to be hundred percent sure that this machine which has the identical features as the Japanese product is up to international standards and I am happy that so far there have been no complaints, said Morais.
Some of the attractive features of this machine, he said, were that it contained an automatic thread cutting device, had a single thread chain stitch, a lubricating system with oil pump and also a plastic handle to ensure safety.
Besides, each machine was provided with a tool kit and a one- year guarantee with after sales service.
“We have all the spare parts too which are freely available”, said Morais whose company has been providing bag closing thread to the packing industry for years.