Facing Global and Local Challenges: The New Dynamics for Economic Development
Reaping the benefits of a war free era, Sri Lanka is now increasingly focused on economic development. The business community has ventured into new avenues, expanding and diversifying business, and accelerating economic growth. New opportunities have also arisen for foreign investment, as well as for building public-private partnerships.
On the global scale, economies are emerging from the setbacks suffered during the recession, and Asia is playing a lead role in this. The region, home to a young and growing population, has much potential to offer to the world. However, it has been confronted with major challenges, calling the public and private sectors to rethink and refocus on issues. In addition, climate change, food security and population aging are also some of the key issues facing the region.
In such a context, for the first time in its decade long journey, Sri Lanka Economic Summit for 2010 will be held jointly with the Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce (CACCI), a grouping of 27 countries in the Asia Pacific region.
The conference will explore in depth the current challenges faced by the Asian economies, identify priority areas on which countries and companies need to focus and recommend policy responses to the changing trends locally and globally. It will also focus on how the governments, international financial organisations and private sector participants can adapt to ensure growth and macroeconomic stability in Asia. Presented by The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the Conference also seeks to provide an opportunity to meet and network with participants from Asia – Pacific economies.
In addition, the conference will also focus on promoting investment and trade. Experts will discuss in detail strategies that could be adopted to attract foreign investments, examine successful models implemented by other states and mechanisms to ease and expedite implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects.
Participants will benefit from enhanced knowledge on global challenges and strategies to overcome them. Furthermore, they will also have an opportunity to learn of ways to develop their businesses and promote their products in Sri Lanka, while sourcing products from the country. Especially aimed at chairmen, CEOs, directors, senior managers, executives, management trainees, foreign investors, senior government officials and academics, the Conference will be held from July 5 to 7, 2010 at Cinnamon Grand, Colombo.
Day One
Monday, July 5, 2010
CACCI Parallel Breakout Sessions (optional)
9.00 am – 10.30 am Parallel Breakout Sessions 1
Asian Textiles and Garments Council
Asian Chemicals Industry Council
Young Entrepreneurs Group Asia-Pacific
Asian ICT Council
10.45 – 12.15 pm Parallel Breakout Sessions 2
SME Development Council
Asian Council on Tourism
Women Entrepreneurs Council
6.00 pm – 7.30 pm
Opening Ceremony of the 24th CACCI Conference and the
SRI LANKA Economic Summit 2010
Welcome Address by Prof Lakshman R Watawala Chairman of the Conference Committee
Address by Dr Anura Ekanayake
Chairman, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
Address by Kosala Wickramanayake
President, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka
Welcome Statement by Harvey Chang
President of CACCI
Chief Guest – Official from the Government of Sri Lanka
Keynote Speaker – (tbc)
Congratulatory Remarks by Sohn Kyung-Shik
Chairman, The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Brief Response by Dr Jeffrey Koo
CACCI Honourary President
Presentation of Testimonials of Appreciation to the Chief Guest and the Keynote Speaker
Day Two
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Plenary Sessions and Speakers
9.00 am – 10:30 am Plenary Session 1 – Climate Change: Mitigating its Impact on Business and Economic Development
Takashi Hongo
Special Advisor and Director General for Environment Finance Engineering Department, Japan Bank for International Co-operation
Renton de Alwis
Former Chairman, Sri Lanka Tourism Board
Shirani Yasarathne
International Union for Conserving Nature, Bangkok
Dr Mehdi Fakheri
Vice President for International Affairs, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines
Chairman. Moderator: Annisul Huq,
President, Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Chairman, SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
11.00 am -12:30 pm
Plenary Session 2 – Investing in Human Capital and Technology for Sustainable Economic Growth
Keynote Speaker: Dr Sarath Amunugama
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Dr Morris Chang
Founding Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) – (tbc)
Dr Hyeun-Suk Rhee
Director, United Nations Asian Pacific Training Centre for Information & Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT)
Ravi Peiris
Director General, Employers Federation of Ceylon
Chairman/Moderator: Sergey Vasiliev
Director, International Cooperation Department, Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Plenary Session 3 – Issues on Food Security and Opportunities in Innovative Agriculture/Plantation
Rebecca Cohn
Mission Director, USAID, Sri Lanka
Prof Shabd Swaroop Acharya
Honourary Professor, Institute of Development Studies, India
Dr Anura Ekanayake
Chairman, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
Darren Lee,
Board Director, Ten Ren Tea
Chairman/Moderator: Dr Mehdi Fakheri
Vice President for International Affairs, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines
3.50 – 5.20
Plenary Session 4 – Economic Implications of an Aging Population: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr W Indralal de Silva
Professor and Head, Department of Demography, University of Colombo
Prof Alfred Chan Cheung Ming
Professor and Director, Asia-Pacific Institute of Aging Studies, Hong Kong
Prof Mohammad Afzal
Honourary Professor of Demography, Population Research Centre, Pakistan – (tbc)
Chairman/Moderator: Ambassador Benedicto V Yujuico
CACCI Executive Vice President & Chairman Emeritus, Athena e-Services.
Day Three
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
8.30 – 9.00 am Opening Session of the Joint Sri Lanka Economic Summit – CACCI Conference
Welcome Remarks: Prof Lakshman R Watawala Chairman, Conference Committee
Keynote Speaker: Prof G L Peiris
Minister of External Affairs – (tbc)
9.00 am – 10.30 am
Plenary Session 5 – Foreign Direct Investment Opportunities in Asia & Pacific
Keynote Speaker: Basil Rajapaksa
Minister of Economic Development – (tbc)
Atul Bindal
President, Mobile Services, Bharti Airtel
Chief Executive Officer, JJ International Consultants
Session Chairman: (tbc)
11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Plenary Session 6 – Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Government Policy on Infrastructure Development
Keynote Speaker: Dr P B Jayasundara
Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development
International Funding for Accelerating Infrastructure Development
Richard W A Vokes
Country Director and Resident Representative, Asian Development Bank – Sri Lanka Resident Mission
Gajendra Haldea
Advisor to DCH (Infrastructure), India – (tbc)
Session Chairman: J D Bandaranayake
Past Chairman, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Chairman/DG, Board of Investment, Sri Lanka
2.00 pm – 5.20 pm
Plenary Session 7 – Fast Tracking the Economy
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Panel discussion 1
Keynote Speaker: Mahinda Samarasinghe
Minister of Plantations
Export Agriculture: Samantha Ranatunga, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, CIC Colombo
Fisheries: Indu Ranasinghe
Director General, Ministries of Fisheries – (tbc)
IT/BPO: Madu Ratnayake
Vice President and General Manager, Virtusa
Industrial Sector: W K H Wegapitiya
Chairman, LAUGFS Holdings
Plantation Industry: Dr Rohan Fernando
Director, Aitken Spence / Head, Business Dev and Plantations, Aitken Spence Plantations
Tourism: Srilal Miththapala
President, Sri Lanka Tourist Hotel Association
Moderator: Savithri Rodrigo
3.50 pm – 5.20 pm
Panel discussion 2
Keynote Speaker: Ajith Nivard Cabraal
Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Apparel: A Sukumaran
Chairman, Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF)
Banking and Finance: Nick Nicolaou
Chief Executive Officer, The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)
Construction: Rohan Tudawe
Managing Director, Tudawe Brothers
Developing Managerial Skills: Dr Uditha Liyanage
Director, Postgraduate Institute of Management
Ports and Shipping: Mohan Pandithage
Chairman and CEO, Hayleys
Moderator: Arun Dias Bandaranayake