Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) received the CSR Leadership Award for Community Development at the Sri Lanka Best Employer Brand Awards 2019. The award recognizes corporate entities and individuals that have made a significant and positive impact on the lives of people around them, through their involvement in CSR programs that respect communities, the environment and people. This award mainly acknowledged the CSR project ‘160 School Development Program’ conducted by the SLT, which was instrumental in establishing infrastructure facilities for information technology as well as telecommunication facilities in schools. Facilities provided under this project comprised a free Broadband Connection – LTE/ADSL (wired), a web Family Plus package with 12-month rental free offer and a free Wi-Fi Router as ICT infrastructure facilities. In addition, an ICT lecture comprising the O/L syllabus was also conducted at each school. The Sri Lanka Best Employer Brand Awards recognizes organizations across the island that have demonstrated excellence in building a corporate brand to become an employer of choice.