Kuliyapitiya Branch of People’s Leasing & Finance was relocated to Madampe Road, Meegahakotuwa, Kuliyapitiya. The new branch location was ceremonially declared open by Pradeep Amirthanayagam, Chairman of People’s Leasing & Finance, with the presence of Shamindra Marcelline, CEO/ General Manager, Laksanda Gunawardena Senior DGM – Head of Branch Network, Susil Priyantha Chief Manager – Branch Network and Kushan Herath Branch Manager- Kuliyapitiya Branch of People’s Leasing & Finance.
Kuliyapitiya Branch was opened in 2011 to cater to the financial needs of the area’s retail and corporate customers.
Kuliyapitiya Branch was relocated, promising greater convenience, quality, and accessibility to customers, and the branch team invites the most valued customers to visit the relocated branch to experience superior service.