The newly relocated Mobitel’s Anuradhapura branch was reopened at 36, Maithreepala Senayake Mawatha to provide a seamless service to customers in the area.
The Anuradhapura branch offers the same ambience and Mobitel revamps Anuradhapura customer care center in new location services as the Mobitel Head Office to ensure quality customer experience.
The center showcases the lat- est technologies pioneered by Mobitel, with areas for customers to engage with its Internet of Things (IoT) devices for smart The renovated Anuradhapura Customer Care Center being opened by P G Kumarasinghe Sirisena, Chairman, Sri Lanka Telecom and Mobitel; H P Somadasa, Mayor, Anuradhapura Municipal Council, along with Chandika Vitharana, Senior General Manager, Sales and Channel Development, Mobitel; Priyathna Ferdinandez, Chief Operating Officer, Sri Lanka Telecom and K A Kiththi Perera, Chief Executive Officer, Sri Lanka Telecom. The newly revamped state-of-the-art customer care center in Anuradhapura. living, wide array of smart- phones, and a gaming area as well. By relocating, Mobitel is keen to attract people from sur- rounding rural areas to walk in and experience how its pioneer- ing solutions can enhance their experience and benefit their lives.
As the National Mobile Service Provider, Mobitel is strongly contributing towards the nation’s development by developing the ICT landscape through its service offerings and technology by bridging the digital divide.