Ministry of Crab, together with Dharshan Munidasa, Chef and Co-Owner established their presence at the 11th Annual Sri Lanka Festival in Tokyo this year. The Festival, which took place in September was held for the Japanese public as an opportunity to experience Sri Lankan culture and cuisine, while also promoting Sri Lankan products in order to increase trade between the two countries.
As many as 100,000 visitors attended the Festival over the two days, which featured over 80 stalls and included Sri Lankan cuisine, spices, tea, crafts and trade to mention a few areas. The Ministry of Crab was the only restaurant from Sri Lanka participating at the Festival and operated one of the largest stalls bringing to the forefront Sri Lankan seafood.
As Many As 100,000 Visitors Attended The Festival Over The Two Days, Which Featured Over 80 Stalls And Included Sri Lankan Cuisine, Spices, Tea, Crafts And Trade To Mention A Few Areas.
Dharshan Munidasa, who has provided Sri Lanka with a strong link between the two countries due to his mixed heritage said, “it is an honour to represent Sri Lanka at the Sri Lanka Festival. We were the only restaurant participating at the event and if not for the support of SriLankan Airlines we would not have been able to take part. It was a huge investment for us and an investment for our staff to see Japan and we are grateful for this opportunity and the partnership we have with SriLankan Airlines.”
Kapila Chandrasena, Chief Executive Officer – SriLankan Airlines said, “as the national carrier, SriLankan Airlines was pleased to support the Ministry of Crab team on their visit to Japan to take part in the annual Sri Lanka Festival in Tokyo. I believe Dharshan and his team was able to provide an unmatched and authentic Sri Lankan culinary experience to those visiting their stall and inspired many to visit our Island to experience Sri Lankan cuisine and culture first-hand. Japan is an important market for us and we currently operate four flights a week between Colombo and Tokyo.”