Maliban Biscuit Manufactories entered into a strategic partnership with the De Lanerolle Brothers. As such the company will sponsor the De Lanerolle Brothers for the year 2014 and a token was presented to them to mark the successful beginning of this partnership.
Commenting on the partnership, Rohan De Lanerolle said, “I think that this is a step in the right direction. The two brands, Maliban and De Lanerolle Brothers have the perfect synergy and we are deeply honoured to be associated with a reputed brand like Maliban.”
Explaining the synergy between the two brands, Ishan De Lanerolle said that both Maliban and De Lanerolle Brothers are associated with a culture that relates to the concept of family. “We grew up eating Maliban biscuits and the music we perform are from the 60s, 70s and 80s which we grew up listening to. Therefore, there is a connection between the two brands that is associated with the nostalgia of our childhood.”
He further said that the continuous efforts of both brands to increase the quality of their products is another reason that complements this partnership which he hoped would continue to be a long term association.
Thus, Maliban will sponsor the three main concerts of the De Lanerolle brothers; that is the Anniversary Concert, the theatrical performance featuring an international artist and the Christmas Show.
“Maliban is a trusted brand name that provides quality products and we have been supporting talented young artists in different fields, enabling them to reach their goals. This year, the management has decided to support De Lanerolle Brothers for their three iconic concerts planned for 2014,” noted Kumudika Fernando, Managing Director of Maliban. She further went onto say, “De Lanerolle Brothers has been a well respected music duo in the country and is celebrating their fifth year of performing together. On the other hand, Maliban is synonymous with giving supreme quality products for generations and have been able to gain a permanent place in the heart and mind of the consumers, locally and internationally. Which is why we feel it is a unique occasion where the synergy of two iconic brands with similar profiles gets together. Music is a universal language that everyone enjoys by listening whereas Maliban delivers world-class biscuits for people to derive pleasure from experiencing its unique taste. As such we look forward to strengthening this relationship further.”
The first of the three concerts, the anniversary celebration of the De Lanerolle Brothers held in March, featured pop music from the 60s, 70s and 80s and was themed under ‘Five’, marking the fifth year anniversary of the De Lanerolle Brothers since their debut performance in 2009. Further, this concert will be followed by a mid-year performance in collaboration with an international artist and the Christmas Show for the year.