The event opened with a short documentary focusing on the working life of the subject, followed by a warm and heartfelt welcoming address by Kusum Wijetilleke, the youngest son of Rienzie Wijetilleke.
The banker’s biography unveiled to rave reviews. A galaxy of friends and family – including the country’s glitterati and literati, among other achievers – gathered at the Hilton to celebrate the launch of the life and times of the country’s most illustrious business leader.
A.S Jayawardena, former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, and, his wife, were the chief guests to grace the event.
Professor Carlo Fonseka, a fellow of the Ceylon College of Physicians, a Professor of Physiology at the University of Colombo and Kelaniya said, “In the time of the Buddha, his devotee, Anathapindika, proved to be a banker, who was both great and good, so is the hero of this fascinating biography.”
Sir Arthur C Clarke, internationally-acclaimed writer said, “This is the story of a trail-blazing Sri Lankan banker, who showed business can do well and good at the same time.”
Gaston de Rosayro, the author, brings to the profession 40 years of experience both in Sri Lanka and the Asian region, and has held many executive editorial designations, including the title of Editor-in- Chief. He has served on the staff of newspapers in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Rienzie Wijetilleke appeared perceptibly emotional as he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the author, to the panel of speakers, and to all those who had helped towards the success of the publication.
Photo Caption – The biography, ‘Rienzie T. Wijetilleke- The Banker, The Man, The Legend,’ is now available at all Vijitha Yapa bookshops and Sarasavi Bookshop, Nugegoda.