DFCC Bank launched an Inter- active Credit Card e-Statement which allows cardholders to view their monthly spending with ease.
The e-Statement offers catego- ry-wise tracking of spending through graphical illustrations, making it simple for cardholders to quickly assess percentage of spending. The e-Statement also offers cardholders the option to submit requests to convert trans- actions into flexi plans and offers a tab to dispute transactions with a click. Other options allow card- holders to print in paper stat ment format, view curent cardpro- motions, access quick links to tar- iff, view card balance transfer, loan on card, flexi plans and Cash- Back reward summary.
Commenting on this initia- tive, Lakshman Silva, CEO, DFCC Bank said, “The Interactive Credit Card e-Statement was conceptualized in response to customer requests for greater transparency in their Credit Card statements. The new e- Statement delivers both an overview and a detailed break- down of how much and on what the cardholders are spending, so that they can rationalize their expenses better. The transpar- ency that our e-Statement of- fers strengthens the confidence in using the card more freely, secure in the knowledge that cardholders can seek clarifica- tion on any aspect of the card via the Interactive feature on the e-Statement.”
The e-Statement embeds videos and offers a graphical speedometer illustration of card limit, usage and available bal- ance. Cardholders can view their domestic, international and credit transactions sepa- rately. The e-Statement also empowers cardholders to track their spending based on spe- cific merchants’ locations, while comparing prior three- month spending and previous month’s spending patterns. The e-Statement has an easy pass- word logic and allows the customer to contact the bank via email.