Dynamic AV Technologies, the official distributors of DAS, launched a new outdoor speaker system – the DAS Aero series line-array system speakers.
The change of the business climate of Sri Lanka with the arrival of peace is opening up new opportunities and new markets, especially for the entertainment industry, said Manilal Fernando, Chairman, Dynamic AV Technologies.
Speaking at the launch, Fernando said that this outdoor speaker system has come to Sri Lanka at the right time.
“The Sri Lankan entertainment industry was ready to reap from this peace dividend with several regional events already in the pipeline to be held in the country. This has opened up a whole new playing-field for the consumer and I have implicit faith that 2010 and 2011 will open this market of sound in a huge manner,” he said.
A musical event was held at the launch and artists from the local music industry were there to experience the audio quality produced by these Spanish made speakers. Several artists commended on the new speaker system.
“The system has a solid punch, and sound all round is equally dispersed so I think it is a very good system and if you need more power at a bigger venue all you have to do is double it up,” said Sohan Weerasinghe of Sohan and the Experiments.
He further stated, “I think it is very easy to transport because there is six to a side and a mix. He added that in the past different speakers were patched in and the sound dispersion was never the same because it came from several different areas. However, with the sound travelling over the heads of people with the line array system, a beautiful, dispersed sound is formed.
A normal speaker system at an outdoor event would require the setting up of 80 to 100 speakers depending on the space. The DAS line array system is compact while being expandable and the ‘J’ shaped curve of the speakers provide equal quality and loudness of sound, thus reaching every corner at a large outdoor event.
The DAS Line Array System Is Compact While Being Expandable And The ‘J’ Shaped Curve Of The Speakers Provide Equal Quality And Loudness Of Sound, Thus Reaching Every Corner At A Large Outdoor Event.
The Aero series DAS speaker system is usually suspended in mid air to the left and right of the stage to create this balance of sound.
Sunil Perera of the Gypsies said that bringing down a system of this kind to Sri Lanka would benefit the music industry greatly.
“This system will be easier to handle when it comes to outdoor events in the country and their advanced quality of sound will be an added benefit,” he said pointing out that introduction of new technological developments in the arena of sound was necessary for the industry to grow.
The DAS outdoor speaker system demonstrated had only six on each side and depending on the venue and number of people the system can be expanded as required.
A demonstration was made on the various sounds and different frequencies the speakers were capable of operating on, illustrating the point of even coverage.
“One of the reasons we wanted to bring this system to Sri Lanka is to give the local audience a chance to experience this quality of sound for the first time,” said Juan Luis Garcia, Managing Director DAS Audio Asia. “I hope it would become a trend for outdoor events in the country in the future, with these more compact, self powered, plug and play and at the same time very efficient and very clear speakers.”