Pradeep Banduwansa, Senior Manager for e-Banking, Commercial Bank
The Commercial Bank of Ceylon will distribute a whopping Rs. 1.2 million among 12 lucky recipients of remittances via the bank’s e-Exchange Instant Money Transfer Service during an extended festive season, the Bank announced this week.
The winners to be selected at four monthly draws will share this fortune, each winning Rs.100,000. All customers who receive money through Commercial Bank’s e-Exchange service during the period between 21 December, 2008 to 15 April, 2009 will be automatically eligible for the draws and three winners will be selected each month. “With this promotion, our customers will be celebrating well beyond Christmas and into the National New Year,” Commercial Bank’s Senior Manager for e-Banking Pradeep Banduwansa said.
ComBank e-Exchange is a sophisticated yet low cost real time on-line money transfer facility that is made available to remitters through a network of agents in over 50 countries worldwide. Those receiving money through this facility can collect the proceeds of the remittances from any of Commercial Bank’s 170 computer-linked branches islandwide.
Proceeds can be collected even on holidays through the bank’s Holiday Banking Centres and at any of the Super Market counters numbering 28 and even on Saturdays at the Saturday Banking Centres. Even non-customers of Commercial Bank can receive inward remittances direct or to their accounts with other banks in Sri Lanka.