Dr. P.B. Jayasundera, Deputy Secretary to the Treasury and Chairman of PERC, believes the present government has taken very bold...
Two recent news items underscore trends toward the globalization of services. Aeroflot, the Russian national airline, announced that it had...
Where do you want to go tomorrow? Chanuka Wattegama Where do you want to go today?' was the slogan used...
Most people find it uncomfortable just talking about death let alone preparing for it. But more and more Asians are...
Ajai V Singh Advertising Brand Equity is a term that widely echoes from echelons of corporate houses to the dwell...
S. Arunasalam Productivity, a vital ingredient for advancement of an organization or a country is not one that is understood...
A Wizard Inviting options grabbing the 'best deal' on the web and getting that 'business deal' off ground Just yesterday,...
Dilki Wijesuriya Just one year in operations P & A Insurance have managed to carve out a comfortable niche in...
Stanley Fernando In any year of Assessment all those liable to income tax are called upon to make their payments...
The corporate elite are the 'promotable'. These upward mobile people get special attention, tender loving care and management grooming. They...
T Tyron Devotta The focus in the weeks past was mainly on the South East Asian Region with various sectors...
Nalika Fernando Dr Hans Wijayasuriya at 29 becomes the youngest and first Sri Lankan CEO in a multi million Dollar...
Asgar Hussein In this era of information technology, unscrupulous individuals are increasingly cashing in on the world's fastest growing crime...
Dilki Wijesuriya 70 billion US Dollar company, IBM is the largest computer manufacturer in the world today. The company's current...
Farah Mihilar In a free-market economy besides being the engine of growth, what extended role does the private sector perceive...
Global Woman '97, the first trade fair, exhibition and seminar of its kind dedicated to showcasing the products and talents...
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka's premier business forum has been awarded the BS EN ISO 9002 classfication by...
Dr JB Kelegama India is the largest supplier of Sri Lanka's imports. In 1996 she supplied Sri Lanka with imports...
Competitive Advantage in the Global Market Falk O Petersdorf Sri Lanka - German Private Sector Program Common belief is that...
Arthur Hadley It was a sensation worldwide when it happened and it had its fallout on Sri Lanka too. A...
The Indian Travel Congress, the 46th Annual Convention of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was held in Colombo...
Singapore Airlines made another first amongst many with the introduction of WISEMAN, the world's most advanced inflight en- tertainment system,...
Searching for direction. With regional stock markets continuing to be in a state of turmoil and domestic investor attention being...
Pan Asia, one of the country's newest banks opened its first downtown branch in Panchikawatte, on September 12, 1997. The...
France's no 1 liquor company and also one of the world's leading wines and spirits companies. Pernod Ricard has joined...
ANZ Grindlays Bank, a leading financial institution who has been in Sri Lanka since 1881, are now in the process...
Shell Gas Sri Lanka Ltd which acquired the Colombo Gas Company in December 1995 has in the past year and...
Sri Lanka will reach another milestone in air travel when international giant British Airways switches its equipment from DC- 10...
Proper use of factoring can provide more flexible funding for growth. Dinesh Weerakkody explains step-by- step what a vital role...
Asgser Hussein Business Today interviews Peter Nelson, Managing Director of Lanka Bell Q: Since your formal launch in July this...