Business Today

October 1996

Rewriting the Rules of Business

Methods that yielded success yesterday are sure recipes for disaster tomorrow Sam Swaminathan is a Soft skills Management expert, trainer,...

Is the Internet for me?

Surfing on the Internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Welcome to the world's first global gossip channel....

Understanding Career Development

Sunil Dissanayake is a Human Resources Management & Development specialist. This article has been developed from his personal experiences in...

Competition, keep off!

In these times of intense competition rather than companies wasting their time on carving out new markets or niches should...

Business as Usual

Stories and suggestions culled from around the world. Function of the Executive As nearly everyone knows, an executive has practically...

The Stock Market Review

The continuous decline wit nessed during June and July abated in August. In June and July the All Share Index...


■Lennox Wolderling, Managing Director, COL Ceylon Oxygen Ltd. (COL), Sri Lanka's main supplier. of Industrial and Medical Gases and Liquids...


The Taj Samudra's authentic Indian Restaurant "Navratna" is happy to offer you North Indian specialties in a festival, commencing on...

The Coming World Crisis

From Russia to Mexico, governments are defaulting on their promises. Their people are plunged in poverty. Money they thought they...


Have you ever been at a loss wondering how you are to take advantage of the new technologies that are...


Increased sales, continued effective cost control and increased financial income have had a positive effect on the result of Carlsberg...

Benson & Hedges

Ceylon Tobacco Co., (CTC), introduced its premium cigarette Benson and Hedges to the local market on September 16. Seated from...


Donald Hill, Executive Director, Lanka Bell Lanka Bell, a subsidiary of Singapore-based Transasia Telecom Ltd., is all set to provide...

Unilever Exports Lux

The first consignment of Lux toilet soap - popularly referred to as the beauty soap of international film stars' and...

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