2000 highflyers of 2018 grade five scholarship examination were felicitated by the Bank of Ceylon’s ‘Ran Kekulu Scholar- BOC Ran Kekulu Awards offers 2000 scholarships ships 2018’ at ceremonies conducted island-wide.
The main ceremony was in Colombo and nine other similar events were also held in the provinces the same day with the participation of respective students and their parents. The main ceremony was held with the participation of Ronald C Perera, Chairman, Bank of Ceylon as the Chief Guest on the invitation of Senarath Bandara, CEO/ General Manager. Further, 25 differently abled students who passed the grade five schol- arship examination 2018 were offered with scholarships worth 15,000 rupees and a monthly grant of 1,000 rupees till the the GCE O/L examination. Six of these students were felicitated at the main ceremony held in Colombo.
As part of its CSR initiatives, the bank conducts scholarship programs, for both grade five and A/L examination highflyers who have excelled in their re- spective exams, to appreciate the courage and dedication shown by students.