Apromotional drive for the 2009 Rainbow Pages, the leading business directory in the island, was launched under the auspices of Leisha de Silva Chandrasena, SLT Chairperson, at SLT headquarters.
Organised in a short period of time, this endeavour promises to be historic in terms of revenue targets that have been set. With over 80% of market share amongst classified telephone directories, the 2009 Rainbow Pages aims to become a monopoly player in this sector in the months to come.
The sales team hopes to retain existing subscribers via a range of added value benefits in addition to recruiting new subscribers using attractive promotional propositions. Ruwan Wijethunga, Deputy General Manager, Rainbow Pages, said, “On the day of the launch, we achieved sales agreements totalling Rs 4 mn, in addition to Rs 10 mn worth of sales agreements finalised during the first ten days. This is indeed a great victory for us. The success of Rainbow Pages thus far can be credited to a large number of SLT staff and we hope that even in the future, this cooperation will continue to flourish.”
The 2009 Rainbow Pages is due to be distributed in the Western Province during the first half of the year, whilst remaining provinces and districts will receive the 2009 Rainbow Pages during the middle of 2009.