The World Savings Banks Institute’s (WSBI) Cross Regional Conference 2010 was held in joint sponsorship of WSBI and National Savings Bank (NSB). The two day conference was based on the topic Branchless Banking: How far can we go?
The chief guest at the event, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, the Governor of the Central Bank, delivered the keynote of the conference, while Sajith Attygalle, Chairman of NSB Sajith Attygalle made the welcome speech. The panel of speakers included Laurie Dufays, representative of WSBI, CunoGuttler, Head of International Department of the Savings Banks’ Association of Rhineland and Sunil Perera, CEO and General Manager of NSB.
In his keynote Ajith Nivard Cabraal commenting on branchless banking said “in today’s world people are expecting less and less of input and more of output. They are expecting greater productivity and delivery yet is keen to submit a comparatively low level of input. Perhaps this calls for branchless banking.”
The conference included presentations, panel discussions and working groups related to areas such as multi distribution policy and strategy and combining conventional channels with modern technology in the likes of POS, ATM and E-banking. Twenty-five foreign representatives were present at the conference from Asia, Africa and Latin America to share their knowledge on best practices of saving and to share their experiences based on case studies.
The conference that was conducted for two days also covered topics such as Branchless Banking in 2020. The conference highlighted the concerns and challenges in moving towards branchless banking.