Tag: business notebook

Radiant Brides

Radiant Brides

GLOW presented the 'Radiant Brides' at the re cently concluded SLAHAB Hair and Beauty Fair 2006. It was the maiden ...

Eagle Net Profit

Eagle Insurance recorded a group net profit ata growth of 103% over 2004. The consolidated balance sheet was further strengthened ...

Gas Shortage Causes Storm 

Government moves to import gas to combat a possible shortage, was criticisized by as being ineffective and insisted, price reduction ...

Mobitel SMS Winner

Mobitel SMS Winner

(L-R) winner of the grand prize in the Mobitel SMS competition, MR Jayasinghe, accepting her new top-of-the­line notebook computer from ...



Apple's award-winning suite of digital lifestyle applications leaps even further ahead of anything available for the PC. Apple recently announced ...

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