Thilak R. Thilakaratne, General Manager, Government Business, Sri Lanka Telecom
Thilak R. Thilakaratne, GM, Government Business, Sri Lanka Telecom, discusses SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise digitization tools and commitment to Sri Lankan citizens. He highlights SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise’s role in facilitating the government’s digitalization journey by bringing efficiency to government services with citizen-centric solutions.
I firmly believe that immediate digitalization is essential for our country to address national-level concerns, including economic challenges, corruption, and malpractices.
SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise is transforming a traditional telco into a technology-driven organization. We support enterprises and the government in their digitalization endeavors as we progress digitally. SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise possesses the necessary tools for digitalization, offering technical assistance, platforms, and application domains to government organizations and enterprises.
Connectivity, server hosting, and software platforms are the key pillars for efficiently delivering e-government services.
SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise is crucial in enabling citizens to connect and access the available e-government services. SLT provides Internet Data Centers and Cloud resources to host the servers on par with international standards. Tier III certified, purpose-built Data Center in Pitipana is equipped with industry-grade multi-cloud infrastructure to cater to any needs. SLT-MOBITEL Enterprise also focuses on digital software solutions catering to all three pillars of the digital ecosystem, wherever required. We have seen a lot of enthusiasm for digitalization among government officials and political leadership. SLT-MOBITEL actively supports the government’s digitalization initiatives and collaborates closely with all ministries, including the Ministry of Technology, departments, other state institutions, and the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA).
As the network provider for the Lanka Government Network (LGN), we have already securely connected over 800 government offices island-wide with superfast fiber, enabling seamless connectivity and software application integration. SLT-Mobitel plays a key role in the digitalization journey of almost all government institutions, providing advanced voice solutions, connectivity, hosting, platform solutions, and cyber security tools. Our expertise and knowledge are available to assist in tailoring solutions, resolving issues, and implementing digital solutions. We welcome any government organization to contact us for expertise, assistance, or collaboration, as we are eager to contribute to their digital transformation efforts.
SLT-Mobitel provides connectivity and support to other telecom operators through the National Fibre Backbone network. The large ecosystem built by all telecom operators together will be a key pillar of the success of
digitalization initiatives. Regarding software platforms and systems, SLT has already developed various products and solutions, including Call Center platforms, ERP solutions, HR Management systems, Social Media automation, including WhatsApp automation, and Chatbots, which are available on a subscription basis.
In implementing eGovernment solutions, we wish to advocate that an ecosystem be established to facilitate even digitally illiterate fractions of the population to take part and consume eGovernment services.
Digitalization is no longer a luxury but a necessity for achieving broader national development goals. It offers solutions and economic benefits. For instance, digitalization in transportation goes beyond online ticketing to enable remote work and reduce the need for travel. With good connectivity, individuals can conveniently work from home or for overseas companies, reducing commutes.