The staff of PLC Higurakgoda Branch.
The Higurakgoda Branch of People’s Leasing and Finance celebrated its sixth anniversary and assisted in uplifting education standards for children in Higurakgoda and Medirigiriya areas.
The Higurakgoda Branch was opened in 2017 and offers easy access to retail and corporate customers by providing quality service.
To create value addition toward society and mark the anniversary, Chanaka Prasad, Branch Manager, along with the staff of the Hingurakgoda Branch, provided the school stationary equipment to the children of low-income families.
Chanaka Prasad, the Branch Manager of the Higurakgoda Branch, said, “The project’s goal is to improve the educational opportunities for children who have financial challenges in this area. Together, we are happy that we were able to support the children in pursuing their education. Therefore, we are considering supporting to improve children’s education in the way of commemorating our branch’s anniversary.”