DFCC Bank opted for a digitalfirst approach for its Annual Report 2020, aptly adapting to the ‘new normal’ and fasttracking the Bank’s goal of becoming the most customercentric and digitally-enabled bank by the year 2025. Sending shareholders, the link to the comprehensive end-to-end HTML annual report has several advantages.
Key among them is saving printing, CD production, and snail-mail costs, driving down our carbon footprint, and getting the end-to-end HTML annual report to shareholders’ hands almost instantaneously after its release.
“Customer centricity and a digital-first tactic is the basis of our Vision 2025 strategy,” Lakshman Silva, Chief Executive Officer, DFCC Bank, states. “They are the main contributor to our sound results and the Bank’s ability to adapt to the changing situation in 2020 agilely. We are now ready to acquire and onboard customers remotely via our digital platforms. What’s more, in terms of our environmentallyconscious outlook, we continue to be the preferred lender for ‘green’ development projects, including waste-to-energy, the hydro, wind, and solar energy projects. DFCC Bank is ready for business in 2021.”
DFCC has long championed the use of multiple mediums and formats for its annual report to meet stakeholder groups’ diverse interests effectively.
The comprehensive, integrated annual report in online HTML format remains at the core, with its unique features enabling the Bank to target stakeholder groups’ diverse interests effectively. The concise, integrated annual report in print PDF is available for archiving and for statutory filing purposes. Complementing these are the annual snapshots in multiple languages and formats.
DFCC Bank was the first to offer an annual report Updater Portal and a complimentary annual report Updater App that regularly captures important post-annual report information for stakeholders.
DFCC Bank was ranked amongst Business Today’s Top 30 Corporates in Sri Lanka.