The Sri Lanka Division of the the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) launched the Corporate Partner Programme for the fourth consecutive year. Designed to establish affinities with corporate organisations in Sri Lanka so that they could mutually benefit from their brand recognition and compatible professionalism and values, it was themed, “Driving National Professional Excellence”.
The CIMA Corporate Partners for the year 2011 are Aitken Spence, Associated Motorways, Cargills (Ceylon), Chemical Industries (Colombo), Citizen Development Business Finance, Coats Thread, Commercial Bank of Ceylon, Dialog Axiata, Finlays Colombo, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Hatton National Bank, Hayleys, John Keells Holdings, Lankem Ceylon, MTV Channel, Sampath Bank, Singer (Sri Lanka), Sri Lanka Telecom, Standard Chartered Bank, Union Assurance and Wijeya Newspapers. Andrew Harding, Executive Director, CIMA Markets noted, “The Corporate Partner Programme is a key part of CIMA’s work in Sri Lanka and recognises the ever-increasing success of Sri Lankan businesses on the world stage.”
Sutheash Balasubramaniam, Immediate Past Chairman CIMA Sri Lanka Board said, BRIC is the acronym for countries that are expected to drive the economy in the next decade: Brazil, Russia, India and China. More recently a different acronym has come to play – EAGLE, interpreting Emerging And Growth Leading Economies. This is the league that the corporates of Sri Lanka need to play. Bradley Emerson, Regional Director, South Asia and Middle East added that CIMA has continuously updated its curriculum to provide the next generation of Sri Lanka, the knowledge and skills that are demanded in today’s business world.