Seylan Bank announced that Seylan Tikiri has rewarded all ten students from around the island who sat for the grade five scholarship exams in 2020 and scored 200 out of 200 marks. The outstanding achievers who came out on top in the competitive examination that acts as a milestone in their young lives, received a tablet computer each, and a bespoke Seylan Tikiri account with a complimentary deposit with the eligible gifts towards their future to encourage them to go on to do greater things in their lives. Commenting on the initiative by Seylan Tikiri, Gamika De Silva, Head of Marketing and Sales of Seylan Bank said, “Children are our future, and as the most loved children’s savings account Seylan Tikiri has always been close to them. We are the first to cheer them on their achievements and support them in their times of need. We decided to reward them with the gift of a Tab to acknowledge the future they will be inheriting. We also wanted to emphasize to them the role financial security plays in forming their future hopes and dreams, and believe that introducing the habit of saving to them is the best way to encourage their future aspirations, with this understanding Seylan decided to make deposits to their Tikiri accounts as a reward for their exceptional achievement at the examination.” Seylan Bank believes in inculcating the habit of saving within children at a tender age, helping them on the path to building a strong financial footing while they’re young. Seylan Tikiri steps up to teach money management skills in young children and to enable their financial success by offering them rewards for their effort at different levels of savings, and a bonus interest scheme in addition to the interest they earn through their savings.