Sujeewa Rajapakse, Chairman of People’s Bank opening the new service centre in the presence of other officials from People’s Bank.
People’s Bank Nawala Service Centre was opened at a new and enhanced location.
Sujeewa Rajapakse, Chairman of People’s Bank and Clive Fonseka, Acting CEO and General Manager, attended a ceremony to mark the occasion.
The Service Centre is located at Nawala Road, Nugegoda, with a host of services and modern conveniences backed by the latest technology.
Through the Self Banking Unit available at the branch, customers can conveniently withdraw, deposit cash, and make bill payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
T. M. W Chandrakumara, Deputy General Manager o f Channel Management, People’s Bank; N . H . Wijayawardana, the Head of Marketing; Nalin Perera, Assistant General Manager of Channel Management; I.K Indika, Assistant General Manager of Channel Management; Buddika Ranatungage, Colombo Outer Regional Manager; Assistant Regional Managers Chathurika Chanramali, H. Abayawickrama, Nugegoda Branch Manager Kusala Samanmali and Nawala Service Center Manager Udayangani Karunarathne, Government officers, bank staf f and customers participated in the event.