Janashakthi Insurance has raised the bar in claim payments convenience to new heights as they offer Full Option Motor claims to customers through simple mobile cash options. This is a revolutionary option powered by Sampath Bank Corporate Payment Solutions, where customers can walk in to any Sampath Bank ATM, from a network of over 300 ATMs island-wide and receive a claim payments immediately. “There are no queues, and no cheques. Just a walk to the nearest Sampath Bank ATM, a click-on Mobile Cash Option, and all Full Option customers will get their claim payments,” said S Thananchayan, Senior Assistant General Manager (Full Option) – Janashakthi Insurance.
“Not only will this allow for a swift service, it will also eliminates the need to own a bank account to withdraw claim payments. Most of the customers do not have Current Accounts and this unique method facilitates withdrawal without an account. Modern businesses have to move with the times,” added Thananchayan.
The tie-up will also significantly cut paperwork and improve efficiency, with less cheques being prepared and posted. In addition, customers will no longer have to collect and make their payments during bank opening hours, but at times of their own convenience.
“Convenient speed and a lack of red tape and paper work give customers a strong reason to believe and love the Janashakthi brand, as it differentiates itself by going the extra mile in terms of customer service. Janashakthi has always been a market leader in terms of innovation and new product offerings, so this is a dream tie-up with Sampath Bank Corporate Payment Solutions. This measure will also increase our own efficiency and productivity with the end result being that more claims are processed much faster,” said Kaushala Amarasekara Senior Brand Manager (Motor) – Janashakthi Insurance.
Customers will be notified vis SMS when their payment is ready for collection.
Sampath Bank ATM machine payments are done through a special PIN number, which will eliminate the need for an ATM card.
Payments could also be collected via Sampath Bank counters where a customer can walk-in directly to the bank and obtain his claim payment.