The book Gota’s War, The Crushing of Tamil Tiger Terrorism in Sri Lanka authored by professional journalist and columnist C A Chandraprema was officially launched with President Mahinda Rajapaksa as Chief Guest for the occasion and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the Guest of Honour. The title of the book is in due recognition of the Defence Secretary who successfully orchestrated the defeat of the LTTE under the steadfast leadership of the President. The book journeys back to explore the root causes of the conflict in order to present the story of the war in its proper context and brings into question conventional wisdom on war and peace in Sri Lanka. A copy of the book was presented by the author on behalf of the publishers, the General Ranjan Wijeratne Foundation, to the President before a distinguished gathering that included ministers, diplomats, military officials and other guests of note.
Event Coordinated By Glenda Parthipan, Emphasis & Bt Options
Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary To The President
Dr Sarath Amunugama, Minister Of International Monetary Co-Operation