The Mercedes-Benz Club of Sri Lanka in collaboration with Diesel & Motor Engineering (DIMO) organized a knowledge-sharing session on the restora-tion and maintenance of young Mercedes-Benz classic models over 25 to 30 years. The forum was conducted by Sidath Fer-nando, President, Mercedes-Benz Club of Sri Lanka.
Sharing his insights, Sidath Fernando said, “What we want to achieve through this forum is to ensure consistent ongoing dialogue between the Mercedes-Benz Club of Sri Lanka, DIMO and Mercedes-Benz classic car owners. If there are any vehicles that require restoration work, we encourage these owners to come and talk to us. Conducting a forum like this will allow them to understand what it takes to look after such a car and learn how to best maintain it as well as determine for themselves what type of services are avail-able to them through DIMO.”
He said that DIMO would come on board a project that requires special attention and will initiate stage-by-stage awareness of what would need to take place, a clear project timeframe, the cost-ing and any other cost-effective methods that can be adopted in order to achieve the desired effect for their car.
Rajeev Pandithage, General Manager Mercedes-Benz, DIMO spoke of this year’s forum; “Be-ing the authorized general distributor for Mercedes-Benz cars in Sri Lanka, we see it as a fitting responsibility to help our customers keep their vehicles in excellent shape and share the knowhow in this manner on how best they can ensure their vehicle’s productivity lasts even longer and how DIMO can join hands to assist them in this regard.”
Mahesh Karunaratne, Gen-eral Manager Mercedes-Benz Service – Passenger and Com-mercial Vehicles stated, “We got senior hands and youngsters from the DIMO Academy for Technical Skills who are classic car enthusiasts, and created an interactive team to revive the previous activities that were set in place for classic cars. Cur-rently, they comprise a team of 25 technicians in all including the senior hands. This type of engagement no doubt gives them an extra boost along with the facilities to help them achieve their aim.”