Link Sudantha toothpaste has been embraced by millions of Sri Lankans over the past few years, because they have discovered the efficacy of the product through regular use. Link Sudantha enjoys the status of the fastest growing toothpaste in an almost static market.
Its credibility is based on the formula comprising time-tested Ayurvedic herbs, manufactured under stringent and scientific standards. This unique Ayurvedic formula offers a comprehensive solution for lasting oral health.
The efficacy of Link Sudantha toothpaste was scientifically established through, a randomised clinical trial, conducted by the Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, which confirmed that this toothpaste significantly reduces harmful oral bacterial growth and dental plaque. Harmful bacteria and dental plaque are the causes for tooth decay and gum disease. A second clinical trial has confirmed that Link Sudantha toothpaste provides therapeutic benefits to patients with gum diseases.
Repeated dental screening performed by experienced dental surgeons at field level confirms that the regular users of Link Sudantha toothpaste enjoy better oral health.
The brand got the acceptance of the prestigious General Dental Practitioners Association (GDPA), which is an important step in the journey of Link Sudantha. The dental profession plays a paramount role in educating and guiding the general public on the importance of good oral hygiene, which helps to protect the teeth and gums, throughout life. The value of teeth and the importance it plays in healthy living cannot be over-emphasised.
Acceptance by the GDPA, provides an additional support to Link Sudantha, to continue to provide “Total Oral care” to the people of Sri Lanka.