National Development Bank hosted the Bank’s quarterly online Investor Earnings Call to discuss the Bank’s financial results after its financial results for the financial quarter ended March 31, 2021. The Investor Earnings Call was hosted by Director/Group Chief Executive Officer of NDB Bank, Dimantha Seneviratne, with the digital presence of the senior management of the Bank. The fully virtual Call was conducted via the MS Team platform, comprised a presentation by the GCEO on the performance and an interactive questions and answers session for the benefit of the participants.
The Bank’s Investor Relations Team facilitates this event, and it is looked forward to by local and overseas inves- tors, research analysts, stock- brokers, and fund managers. NDB as a responsible listed entity has continued undisrupted, the best practices of hosting the quarterly webinar post results release to the CSE and publishing edited transcript and playback video on the Bank’s website for later reference even amidst challenges brought by the pandemic. Meanwhile, NDB achieved sustained results amidst challenging conditions. Dimantha Seneviratne, Director/Group Chief Executive Officer of NDB noted that the period was marked by two fundamental changes: the pros pect of prolonged low interest rates and the other greater inclination towards digital enga- gements from our customers.
NDB’s commendable performance was not limited to financial results. The Bank continues to offer its customers close financial and advisory support to expeditiously re- cover and remain resilient in the challenging conditions brought in by the pandemic. All CBSL mandated relief measures are also duly extended to customers. Success is a broader notion at NDB, which permeates beyond financial performance. In this spirit, the Bank continued numerous other activities to benefit the community and the environment.