Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), successfully conducted a customer forum for the company’s enterprise customers , which was attended by over 330 top decision makers of large corporates as well as tech savvy IT professionals representing enterprises in Sri Lanka.
P G Kumarasinghe Sirisena, Chairman, SLT, Kiththi Perera, CEO, SLT and the senior management were present at the event, providing customers an opportunity to directly meet with the company’s top management. Kiththi Perera, CEO, SLT addressed the forum, shedding light on SLT’s future plans to empower the enterprise market in Sri Lanka, especially with regards to supporting individual enterprises to achieve their own digital transformations. “SLT is fully geared and ready to lead Sri Lankan enterprises into the new digital era,” he commented. “SLT has made colossal investments on latest state-of-the-art technologies and capabilities that are necessary to ensure that we will continue to be the preferred technology partner for enterprises in Sri Lanka. Some of these include SLT Akaza, our multi-cloud platform, which comprises – SLT Premium Cloud, VMWare Cloud Provider Programme, SLT Intelligence Cloud, Azure Stack and Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, to name just a few. We are experts in creating customized solutions to suit the unique individual business requirements of large enterprises because we are aware of the diversity of requirements involved when it comes to different organizations. Currently, we are in the process of working aggressively on the fabrication of our access network, which will ensure that our customers will have unlimited bandwidth, without any restrictions, resulting in businesses being able to deploy their services more smoothly and efficiently in the future.”
SLT annually holds these customer forums with the aim of strengthening relationships with its customers and to inform and share knowledge about new products and services that will support their growth and development as well as their digital journeys.
A panel discussion was also held with various industry experts. It was conducted under the topic ‘The role of SLT and technology support ecosystem in Sri Lanka to support top enterprises to cross the chasm’ discussed the role played by SLT in the digital transformation of large enterprises in Sri Lanka. The forum was followed by a networking session, providing opportunities for customers to interact with SLT’s top management and voice their opinions as well as get their queries answered.