Ran Dewa Plantations, introduced a unique concept in forest preservation through the growing of teak farms. The Ran Dewa programme ensures that Sri Lanka’s fast-dwindling natural forests will not be out down to create its timber farms, and that for every tree felled at least one will be planted in its stead.
These timber farms will be cultivated on a commercial scale. A teak which can be purchased for Rs 3,500 today will be cut down in 20 years time and the timber used by its owner either for his own purposes or for resale for commercial use. Ran Dewa will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the tree throughout this period. Projected figures indicate that the price of timber would have appreciated by at least 29 times its present value in 20 years.
Ran Dewa will grow several teak farms throughout the country’s dry zone. Timber farms will be spread out in this manner in order to minimise the risk of all plantations failing at the same time. A teak nursery was started recently at Giriulla in the Kurunegala District.